Monday, September 28, 2009

Spiral Lace - fancy hair-do

This do was super fun. I wasn't sure if the pic with the flash or without was better. My friend came over, and I begged her to let me do her hair. She picked this do.

1. I parted her hair in half so that it was easier to work with. Then I sectioned off a 2-3 inch circle right in the middle of her head. I put that in a pony tail while I sectioned off the rest. I measured about an inch above and below the circle and sectioned off an arch. Then I put that arc in a loose pony tail and did the same on the other side, forming a circle with the arc you just sectioned off. then i put that in a loose pony tail too. Then, just keep sectioning off 1 inch arc's until you have sectioned off all the way out.
2. Start with the circle right in the middle of her hair. Section off a tiny circle (maybe an inch or half an inch) right in the middle of that bigger circle. Divide this section into three strands for the regular braid.
3. Braid 2-3 times, until your ready to add hair from the outside of the circle to the strand closest to the outside. Just like the lace, you will only add sections to the strand closest to the outside of the circle.
4. Remember, when you section of a piece to add to the strand, section all the way across the little 1 inch arc. Add it only to the strand closest to the outside. Then, french braid that strand (and the section added to it) towards the middle, just like a regular french braid. Then, braid the strand closetest to the part without adding a section to it. Remember to keep the braid snug but not too tight, otherwise it will flip.
5. Continue all the way around her head in a spiral shape. As you continue on and on, some little pieces will start to want to stick out. Just keep water and gel handy to braid them into or put them behind the braid.
My friend had to leave before I was all the way done, so with the very outside section, I made "barbie bangs" and then pinned the rest of her hair (at the end of the french braid and the hair from the outer most cirlce) up into a little bun. I pinned the bun to look like a flower. You can see one on either side.

Dutch Lace

This do looks like a Dutch lace, but it is actualy a regular lace. But, I did it too tightly and it flipped.

A dutch braid is an inside out french braid. Instead of braiding normal you braid opposite. Essentially, a normal braid (3 strands) will take the outside sections and put them in the middle, alternatingly. A dutch braid takes the middle section and puts it on the outside, alternately.

Anyway, how to do the Lace:
1. Part the hair across the top, and tie back the long back hair. The tighter and smoother you tie it back, the easier.
2. Start above one ear with three strands. Regularily braid 2-3 times or until your ready to add a section to the strand closest to her face.
3. Section off a piece of hair all the way from her face to the part. Add that to the strand closest to her face. Then braid in that strand along with the section added to it, just like a regular french braid. Keep the braid snug but not too tight, otherwise it will flip, like mine. Next time I will also braid close to the part so that the braid will lay over the part.
4. You will only be adding to which ever strand is closest to her face. So, at this point you will braid the strand next to the part with out adding a section to it.
5. Repeat 3 and 4 all the way across her head.
6. When you get to the end, braid all the way down the length of her hair. You can let this hang down, pin it into a bun, or (if your princesses hair is long enough) pin it on the other side, where you started, to make a circle.


The princesses hair can finally be braided again. I only needed it to be a half inch longer.

Here's a fishtail french braid...although it didn't turn out quite like I wanted it! I'll have to do a re-do. A fishtail is super easy. You don't have to know how to braid.

1. All you do is start at the top of her hair with two sections. Turn your palm up and hold the two sections between your pointer and middle fingers and middle and ring fingers.

2. Then, section off a tiny section on one side and add it to the opposite side.

3. Then do the same on the other side.

4. Repeat 2 and 3, alternating sides, until you go all the way down the head of as far as you want. (I fishtailed the princesses hair across the top. I think it turns out better with longer hair and if you use all the hair as described).

5. When you get to the end, you can either put a ponytail at the base of the head, or fishtail it all the way down. To do this, you grab a tiny section of hair from behind one section and add across to the other section. Then do that with the other section. Continue until you reach the end of the hair.